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Entrega de Despensa de comida de Long Beach

Formulario de inscripciĆ³n

Para registrar su interĆ©s, complete el formulario a continuaciĆ³n y presione el botĆ³n Enviar. Una vez que recibamos su formulario de registro, nos comunicaremos con usted dentro de las 24 horas.

Proporcione un nĆŗmero de telĆ©fono que funcione para que nuestro conductor se comunique con usted antes de la entrega.

*Please provide your preferred email as Help Me Help You communicates mostly via email.

InformaciĆ³n demogrĆ”fica:

*Please select one:
*Are you volunterring as an:

Education & Skills

*I have completed:
Have you volunteered before?
Do you speak a language(s) other than English?


Please list the days and shifts that you are interested in volunteering below:

Please check areas that you are interested volunteerig

InformaciĆ³n de Contacto en caso de Emergencia:


Professional Reference (employer/supervisor/client/business associate:

Personal Reference (employer/supervisor/client/business associate):


By checking "yes" you agree to the following:

A los conductores se les indica que dejen sus comestibles en la puerta de su casa, toquen el timbre o toquen la puerta y vayan a la acera y esperen para asegurarse de recibir sus comestibles. Los conductores esperarƔn en la acera para asegurarse de que abra la puerta y reciba sus comestibles. Si sus bolsas de comestibles son demasiado pesadas para llevarlas, retire algunos artƭculos a la vez y llƩvelos a su casa.

*I agree to the terms outlined above:


*I grant Help Me Help You permission to use my likeness, voice and words in television, radio, film or in any form to promote their work.

You must be at least 14 years of age to volunteer. If you are between 14 and 17 years of age, we will receive a “Parental Consent” form to be completed by your parent/guardian prior to being approved to volunteer.

Ā”Gracias por enviarnos!

Help Me Help You Logo
Phone 562 612 5001
Mail PO Box 32861, Long Beach California 90832
Location 1301 W. 12th Street, Long Beach California 90813
Email Us

(562) 612-5001

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El MSC 1301 W.12th Street, Long Beach, CA 90813

PO Box 32861, Long Beach, CA 90831

Ā© Todos los derechos reservados AyĆŗdame a ayudarte

Esta organizaciĆ³n es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Se habla espaƱol

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